
Showing posts from February, 2023

3 down 9 to go ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿฝ

 Ready for a 3 week break from chemo visits! Yay!! I’m so thankful I’ve felt so well so far, but I’ve been told the hard stuff is coming. Bleh.  Today Brandon and I are celebrating 28 years of marriage! I guess there could be worse places to be celebrating right? Like maybe…In the middle of a shark infested ocean ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿป‍♀️Jk we are happy to be here fighting and we can celebrate later!  I LOVE blankets!! I could never have too many! And I’ve received some of the softest, warmest, cutest blankets over the past month. Today the blanket keeping me warm during treatment was made for me by my cute cousin Cindy. She’s always been more of an aunt to me. Her mom my Aunt Shirley was more like a grandmother to me. She passed away just over a year ago. I miss her! One of her love languages was making and giving blankets to people. New babies, wedding gifts, college send off blankets etc. I have saved so many of them! So when Cindy brought this cheery blanket over to me I got emotional....

Chemo Day #2

  I guess the plus side is that Brandon I get 3 “chemo dates” this week! He’s the best. The roads were much better today…but my goodness SO MUCH SNOW! Day 2 virtual learning day which means nowhere for Ike to go. I’m thankful for Gracie and Gabe holding the fort down. No schedule is hard for him:(  praying for clear neighborhoods and parking lots today so that school can happen tomorrow.    Just getting one drug today and then again tomorrow. Then a 3 week break. Yay! I’m keeping warm with this amazingly beautiful quilt that my best autism moms made me. I can’t imagine the hours upon hours it must have taken. It’s gorgeous, such a labor of love. One of them said “there are exactly 54 hearts giving you a hug”! I feel the love๐Ÿ’— I’ll say it again…people are SO good.  I felt pretty good last night except for an annoying headache. That Tylenol just doesn’t seem to relieve. With chemo drugs you can’t take many otc pain relievers. I’m drinking even more water today:)...

The Battle Begins!

  Here we go! Chemo day #1 is currently in progress, and the poison is flowing. What a day to start….like the worst snow storm of the season. Three angels showed up to our driveway this morning to shovel us out. Gosh, we are so grateful for every act of service, every prayer, every kind thought, every gift, every visit, EVERYTHING! Gracie is holding down the fort at home since Ike is home from school for a snow day. Thank you sis! The nurses have been so kind and have explained everything they’re doing and things to expect. We are crossing our fingers for minimal symptoms๐Ÿคž๐Ÿฝ I will be here receiving chemo for 3 days in a row. Then have a 3 week break, then start it all over  again. For a total of at least 12 visits (possibly more if my body can handle it!) We decided to start this blog to not only record our journey for us, but also so that friends and family can keep up to date if they want to! However, please don’t feel you can’t text or call….we love knowing that people ar...