The Battle Begins!

 Here we go! Chemo day #1 is currently in progress, and the poison is flowing. What a day to start….like the worst snow storm of the season. Three angels showed up to our driveway this morning to shovel us out. Gosh, we are so grateful for every act of service, every prayer, every kind thought, every gift, every visit, EVERYTHING! Gracie is holding down the fort at home since Ike is home from school for a snow day. Thank you sis! The nurses have been so kind and have explained everything they’re doing and things to expect. We are crossing our fingers for minimal symptoms🤞🏽

I will be here receiving chemo for 3 days in a row. Then have a 3 week break, then start it all over 

again. For a total of at least 12 visits (possibly more if my body can handle it!)

We decided to start this blog to not only record our journey for us, but also so that friends and family can keep up to date if they want to! However, please don’t feel you can’t text or call….we love knowing that people are thinking about us during this trying time! 

Brandon is here with me all week…he is such a champ and is keeping us all afloat right now! 

More later…


  1. I am so glad you are blogging. Praying for you daily!

  2. Jenny! You and your family are now on our family's prayer list (a very short list of people we pray for every time our family reaches for heaven--meal prayers, personal prayers, family prayers). I have a firm knowledge of the power of prayer. I can't even write that without feeling it. We are praying that chemotherapy will kick the cancer cell's trash, punch it in the neck, go belly up, buy the farm, croak, enter eternal rest in the great Down Below, and/or be called home to h-e-double-hockey-sticks. I'm so glad you are documenting will be a blessing for you and your family to look back on for all the many years of the rest of your life. I truly believe--in a weird and twisted way--WITH God, this experience with your family will be awesome. We love you SO MUCH and are thinking of you multiple times a day.


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