Chemo Day #2

 I guess the plus side is that Brandon I get 3 “chemo dates” this week! He’s the best.

The roads were much better today…but my goodness SO MUCH SNOW! Day 2 virtual learning day which means nowhere for Ike to go. I’m thankful for Gracie and Gabe holding the fort down. No schedule is hard for him:(  praying for clear neighborhoods and parking lots today so that school can happen tomorrow.  

Just getting one drug today and then again tomorrow. Then a 3 week break. Yay!

I’m keeping warm with this amazingly beautiful quilt that my best autism moms made me. I can’t imagine the hours upon hours it must have taken. It’s gorgeous, such a labor of love. One of them said “there are exactly 54 hearts giving you a hug”! I feel the love💗 I’ll say it again…people are SO good. 

I felt pretty good last night except for an annoying headache. That Tylenol just doesn’t seem to relieve. With chemo drugs you can’t take many otc pain relievers. I’m drinking even more water today:) 

I was glad I felt good enough last night to go to Young Women’s (a youth program for my church which I’ve been called to) we had a cute church member set to teach the girls floral arranging, she was ready to go! When we found out the church parking lot hadn’t been cleared yet (about 30 minutes to start time) we did a quick switcharoo to my basement and made it into a makeshift floral shop:) (Brandon to the rescue again) I’m so glad for this distraction. These girls are pure light and they lift me. I love being with them and the other leaders. God knew I needed them at this time in my life.  Plus their arrangements turned out beautiful🌸🌹

Praying for no headache tonight. I’m sure symptoms are are going to get worse as time goes on…and that’s ok, the poison is killing those naughty cells and tumors. 

A sweet friend sent me some meditation music for “healing” so I spent some time imagining the cancer cells being turned over and replaced by healthy cells. While listening to it during treatment today. Thanks Michelle💗

So thankful for each and every one of you reading this 💗our family loves you!

Which of you can we pray for? We believe in its power and would love to return the favor🙏🏾 


  1. I love the quilt! So great to get an update. I am trying to picture the flowers in your basement. :-)


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