Stable Mable Returns!

 Got some good news today! After a scan this past week we met with Dr. Low this afternoon to go over results. He said those amazing words “everything looks stable” and as I’ve said before. Stable is a pretty good place to be! There are still tumors, I still have cancer, but it’s just hanging out in there for now and not growing or spreading.  The last scan I had was maybe in February? That was the time that there were two naughty tumors that needed radiation. The scans showed that those had both shrunk (ever so slightly, but still…they shrunk!) after radiation I did a couple more rounds of oral chemo. 

I’ve been a wreck a lot of this week anticipating this appointment today. I just hate waiting for results so badly. And always fear the worst. I know so many were praying for me this week and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I can always feel the prayers and good vibes and my anxiety seems a tad bit less:) 

There is one teeny tiny hiccup. There was a new spot on the scan that Dr Low and colleagues feel is 99% going to be fine, but he’s a cautious doctor and wants to double check. So I have another MRI coming up. It’s on my neck, spinal cord area so not a good place for something like that. I’m praying it’s fine. He reassured us he really felt it would be. And he said this was the best scan we’ve had so far because it showed a small amount of shrinking. Halllelujah! 

So the plan….is for me to continue oral chemo. I finished the last round 2 weeks ago and I felt really good. I mentioned to Brandon that I was worried it wasn’t working because I felt so good. This past week it hit me a little…more tired etc, but not too bad at all. Becasue I’ve been tolerating it well and becasue it’s doing a good job keeping things stable we feel it’s best to just continue it. Why not? The best part of it is that it’s really cheap! Doesn’t it seem like a chemo drug would be really expensive? Well, I believe the IV kind is pricey…but this oral chemo I take is $5 for each prescription! I take 3 different chemos during each cycle so $15 to keep me #living for now.  It’s pretty incredible.

We are having a great summer and with today’s news I want to just go do it all. 

This is a picture of me and Dr Low taken today. We pray for him everyday and feel blessed to be in his care. He is a good man and a caring kind person. 

Prayer requests:

1-that the MRI of my neck will be fine and nothing serious to deal with.

2-that the oral chemo can continue working to keep things stable and that my body can continue to tolerate it. 

3- will you send up a prayer for my friend Randall? I went to school with him and his older brother. They have been our good friends over the years. Randall was diagnosed with my same type of cancer a couple of weeks ago. My heart aches for him and his family. Those beginning stages of: “why me, what’s next, I can’t fight this fight” and so many more thoughts and  feelings swirling around.  I got to talk to him and he is in good spirits. Stay strong Randall 💙 when I told Dr Low about him today he was pretty shocked that I would know someone personally that has this cancer…it’s just so rare.

And also please tell us how we can pray for you! 

Thank you friends and fam for fighting this fight with us! We love you 💜 


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