Peace out radiation!

After 5 rounds of radiation I got to hit the gong to celebrate being done! That was about 2.5 weeks ago. My goodness my radiation team was awesome. Such kind people who met me with a smile each of the 5 mornings I showed up. They brought me a warm blanket and let me listen to whatever I wanted to! My favorite thing I listened to was Beatles radio. Although it was a little hard because I wanted to keep the beat with my hand or foot and I had to hold perfectly still! (Also why does every part of your body itch when you’re told you can’t move?!) They radiated 2 spots with each treatment that took about 15 minutes each. It really wasn’t too bad. The effects were fairly minimal. Mostly I felt sluggish and tired.  Dr Grant, my radiation doctor explained that because my tumors are slow growing (thankfully) that they take longer to shrink or go away because the cells are also dividing slowly. Makes a lot of sense. So that means we won’t scan or check progress for a couple of months because we won’t see much progress for awhile. I’m praying so hard that it worked. I still have the annoying pain in my side because of the tumor that is sitting on a nerve. But I’m hoping it will subside soon…and then I’ll know radiation is working. 

After radiation I got about a week break and then started the oral chemo back up. Gotta keep fighting! I will continue to do 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off of oral chemo for another few cycles and then we will scan for the other tumors as well. I feel pretty good most days…but not amazing. I’ll take it!  I’m super grateful treatments haven’t really stopped me from living my life. Having some warmer days have been a little piece of heaven!

Today at church my cute friend Wendy reminded me that I hadn’t asked for specific things she could pray for lately.  It touched my heart to know that I’m still being prayed for. It’s a long haul, but it means so much. I believe in prayer. It has made all the difference. So…my prayer requests if you are so inclined are: 1- that the radiation worked on the 2 tumors that weren’t responding and 2- that the oral chemo can keep everything else stable.

Please let Brandon or I know how we can pray for you! We would absolutely love to. 

Happy Spring everyone!! 




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