Yay for Spring! And an update….

 “Here comes the sun…and I say, it’s alright.” -The Beatles-

I love it when things start growing in my flowerbeds. It reminds me that warmer days are ahead. A couple of cute little wild pansies have emerged and it makes me so happy. 

This past week was scan week and meeting with my doc to see how the oral chemo treatment has been working. I’m always so glad when that week is behind me. As I’ve said before I am usually a complete anxious mess. This time there was a calmness though. I didn’t feel the crippling anxiety that I normally feel. I was so thankful for that. I don’t know what the difference was. Maybe I’m just getting more used to weeks like these and realizing they are my reality for the rest of my life. 

The best thing that Dr Low said yesterday was:

 Last year at diagnosis If you’d asked me what I would’ve liked to see on a scan a year later, this is exactly what I would’ve hoped to see!”

That was comforting. Most all of the tumors are stable! The oral chemo has done a pretty good job of that. The one exception is a tumor on my adrenal gland that is being so stubborn and resistant. I didn’t even know where my adrenal gland was? And when I found out where (kind of in front of your kidney near the rib cage) it explained why I’ve had some discomfort in that region the past couple months. It’s not a horrible pain, kind of dull and feels a little like muscle spasms sometimes. I thought I’d pulled a muscle there or something. He assured us that it isn’t anything life threatening. But we do need to try and stabilize it and also help with the discomfort. 

So the plan…..we are going to try radiation on that spot. I’m really grateful that there are other things we can try. I’m a little nervous about a new treatment and the stories I’ve heard about radiation. Dr Low said he has had good success with radiation on NETS (neuroendocrine tumors) and feels it will be a positive outcome. He feels it’s in an area of my body where I won’t have too many side effects. I will learn more when I meet with the radiation doc hopefully next week.

I’ll most likely start radiation the first week or so of April. Wouldn’t it be nice if you didn’t have to jump through insurance hoops and could start the treatment you needed within a couple of days?! 

Also we will pause the oral chemo while I have radiation done. That will be a nice little break. Then It sounds like I’ll start chemo back up after to continue to help keep things stable. 

Life just keeps moving and I’m so so so very grateful I’ve been feeling so good. The new dose of oral chemo hasn’t really slowed me down much at all. I’ve been enjoying watching Gabe play spring soccer, Ruby do her dance thing, helping Gracie shop for a new car, and enjoying Isaac and the simple things that make him happy. Brandon and I celebrated our 29th anniversary and had a staycation in SL. He continues to be my rock, arranges to come to every appointment with me that he possibly can and he also talks me off of a ledge very often:) 

I’m so looking forward to spring and soaking up life! Thank you for following my story and cheering me on. It means the world. I’ll update again when I know more about radiation treatments. I love you all! 


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