Oral Chemo tried to kill me! And some specific prayer requests🙏🏾

 Oh my goodness. I’ve never been so sick in my entire life. I started the oral chemo on November 5 and ended on November 18. I started feeling crummy about the 16th. Things got progressively worse from there. Had a few ER visits and a home health nurse giving me fluids throughout that week. When I look at the possible side effects from the drug I’m pretty sure I felt most of them. Plus some of the rare, more serious ones. I have been in bed since the 17th now. Not functioning, so completely miserable. On Saturday the home health nurse came to give fluids. He found that I had a fever, high heart rate and low oxygen. He instructed us to head to the ER. When we got there they stepped right into action. They don’t mess around with chemo patients who have these issues. It was kind of worrisome to me but I was grateful. From there, they did a chest X-ray which showed blood clots on my lungs.(common for cancer, but not associated with chemo) this was an automatic admission to the hospital. I eventually was transferred to IMC so I could be close to my oncologist and so he could include me on his rounds. And also so that I could have a procedure done yesterday where they inserted this crazy contraption through my neck down somewhere in the groin that will stop any blood clots coming from my legs. Seriously crazy science to me! (See picture) there is so much going on that I can’t even wrap my brain around it all. Brandon is much better at describing things! And although I’m not feeling near as miserable as I was, I’m pretty wiped out still. The issues at hand that are keeping me in here are low platelets and low ANC(white blood count) it gets super complicated because they could give something to help with platelets but it would counterbalance something else like the clot issue. So they’re just dancing around trying to figure out the best way to help. Today’s levels had dropped enough that I got a blood transfusion and  platelet transfusion. It was cool! And I had this overwhelming feeling of gratitude for people that donate these life saving things. If that’s you….THANK YOU. When you’re the one in need it means a whole lot. 

Our special prayer request:

1. Platelet level needs to be greater than 20,000 and rising pray for that please! (current count: 13,000)

2. ANC needs to be greater than 1500 (current count:200)

We would love your prayers for these things so that I can bust out of this joint and go back home. I’m missing my kids and dog fiercely! Brandon too, although he comes to hang with me for a time each day so I get to see him often!

I’ve been here now for 6 days and they feel I may be here another 5-6 days? We will see. I’m feeling so much better, just weak and tired. 

Dr Low stopped by yesterday afternoon while on rounds and I was so so happy to see him and talk to him. He’s been very involved in my care. He feels terrible. He has not had a patient react this poorly to this chemo pill. He has had great success with it in fact. We did a genetic blood test to check for an enzyme. We will get results in a few days or so. He feels this is what is happening. That perhaps I am missing the enzyme that aids in absorbing the chemo. He said we will be stopping treatment until I’m fully recovered and then we he will figure out a new plan. He’s such a compassionate doctor and says he prays for us. I’m so thankful. 

My family is hanging in there. We really don’t need anything. Meals have been coming in. Carpools have been covered, dog walking is happening!! Brandon just does it all and he’s amazing keeping everything afloat. 

Also so thankful for doctors, nurses, CNA’s just every health care hero. They are amazing! 

We appreciate your concern and prayers SO MUCH. They are sustaining us right now.  


  1. Continued prayers. I am so sorry you feel so crummy. Continued prayers.


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