Hello friends! Hope you’re having the best summer, soaking it all in. I’ve been trying to do just

that. It’s been amazing to be feeling so good, I feel so normal. It’s amazing how that happens when the chemo leaves your body. 

Yesterday I had a PT scan to see how things were looking.  For days leading up to it I was so irritable and grouchy. I hate that I get like this but the anxiety I feel before a scan is almost too much to handle. “Scanxiety” is what a lot of people call it. The night before the scan my emotions got the best of me. I was just so sad and scared. I wonder if this feeling will ever go away each time I go in for a scan? I believe this is the 5th scan I’ve had since January…but I felt the most anxious about this one so far. Or maybe I’m just forgetting the other times?!

This morning I met with my oncologist. I felt much more calm and collected and I know it was because of the prayers being said on my behalf. They brought a peace to my soul. Thank you friends. Then Dr Low said an amazing word. He said “everything looks good…things have remained STABLE!” Stable! Oh my goodness. I could not wipe the smile off of my face:) I’m ecstatic. I’m relieved. I’m beyond grateful. (If you’ll remember the last scan after my last treatment on May 5 also showed stable)

This is a miracle. A miracle along this journey that I’m on. It means the chemo has stunted the growth of those nasty tumors inside of me for now. And it means that God has heard my pleas and the pleas of so many of you and has granted me more time to LIVE. And to live free from treatment and the icky effects of chemo. I will go back at the end of October for the next scan to check again. That’s 3 whole months! When it was time to leave Dr Low asked if he could give me a hug!! Absolutely! He’s a great man and a caring doctor. Being an oncologist must be a very hard profession. Rewarding at times…but so hard for so much of the time. I’m glad there are people like him willing to do it. 

Brandon and I feel like we’ve won the jackpot today. It’s felt like Christmas all day. We went out to the parking lot. He went to his car and I went to mine. He had a work meeting to get to. I sat in the parking lot to send my mom a text with the good news (because if your mom is Susan Thorne then she is the first person you tell, because you know she’s probably been more anxious than you!) Before long Brandon was knocking on my window and suggesting we say a prayer of thanks before he left the parking lot. Of course. That was the best idea. After a few days filled with fear and hopelessness (for me)…we had just been given some amazing news and we are so grateful. 

“When the Savior arrived in Bethany, all had lost hope that Lazarus could be saved—it had been four days, and he was gone. Sometimes during our own challenges, we might feel like Christ is too late, and our hope and faith might even feel challenged… we move forward with faith in Jesus Christ, the fourth day will always come. He will always come to our aid or to raise our hopes back to life. He has promised:

“Let not your heart be troubled.”

“I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.”

Sometimes it may seem like He doesn’t come to us until the figurative fourth day, after all hope seems lost. But why so late? President Thomas S. Monson taught, “Our Heavenly Father, who gives us so much to delight in, also knows that we learn and grow and become stronger as we face and survive the trials through which we must pass.” 

-W. Mark Bassett-

I hope that fourth day continues to come for me. I have a lot of things I still want to do here and be here for! And today I’ve been planning out the next 3 months;) And I’ve been looking for cool short hairstyles because it’s growing back! I may just have enough for a faux hawk before long😉

Thanks for following my journey and for being my friend. Your prayers, thoughts and love mean the world to me!

Much Love,

Stable Mable (aka Jenny)


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