Scan Results from Today!


Hello! This morning we met with Dr. Low to go over the scan I had earlier this week. And drum roll please…..the tumors are stable!! If he would’ve said! “They’re gone” or, “They‘ve shrunk”, then I might have kissed him! But listen, I will take “stable” any day over the alternative. I am truly grateful and feel this is a small miracle in this cancer journey. Brandon told him how we like to pray for specific things and asked him what would be something specific to pray for. And he said “That these tumors remain stable for a very long time.” So I would love to invite you to remember that in your prayers if you would:) we are still holding out for a miracle. A miracle to us could look like the cancer completely leaving my body or for what is there now to remain stable for many years to come. 

The short term plan is to scan again in 2 months. If things are progressing then we will start oral chemo to see if that will keep things at bay. And if things are stable still we will do nothing and scan again after another couple of months I guess. 

This is a marathon. Not a sprint. I’m trying to just take a day at a time and not worry too much about what the plan is months from now. Because nobody knows. (Also that’s easier said than done for a chronic worrier!)

Dr. Low said to go enjoy our summer. And that’s what we intend to do! I’m going to live the crap out of this summer! We have a few vacations planned and hope to make many spontaneous plans:) Bring on the summer!!!

That last chemo round was the hardest one yet. I was so glad once I finally turned a corner and started feeling better. Now my energy is mostly back I’d say. I’ve been doing some yard work and some retail therapy with friends:) as well as enjoying the last of my kids spring activities. 

(Retail therapy!)

I also attended my 30 year high school reunion. Which was great! I would’ve never thought I would attend my 30 year reunion as a cancer patient…wearing a wig…but everyone was so kind and supportive and I was glad I went. 

(My student government peeps and I at the reunion)

I’ve been reading a book by Emily Belle Freeman called: Grace Where you Are. I love this portion I read the other night.

 “I have come to believe that God doesn’t give us cancer, or Down Syndrome, or blindness, or anxiety and depression; mortality does. Entering mortality means biological factors, cells that could mutate, and illnesses or addictions that could cause harm. It means loved ones will die. It means accidents, and poor choices, and struggles that could leave us wounded. We chose mortality knowing God would allow mortality to do its work in us, even though that work would be painful. We also knew that engaging in and overcoming these trials of mortality with Him would transform us to become more like Him. His gift of grace is what allows that transformation to take place.”

When I remember that this trial I’m dealing with is all part of the plan it doesn’t feel as daunting to me. But dangit it’s kind of inconvenient. But I do want to become more like Him, even though it’s painful. 

Thank you for your concern and kindness and prayers and thoughts. As always…who of you can we pray for? 

With a thankful heart,



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