Ring that Bell! Round 4 is done…and now a break!

Today I ended round 4! Wahoo! I went to that infusion center 12 times total to receive the poison! This picture shows me ringing the bell as I am going to now have a break from IV chemo. Kind of excited about that! The nurses insisted that I ring the bell. They say the bell can mark any kind of accomplishment…it’s not just reserved for people who are in remission, or cancer free. We celebrate the small accomplishments. It felt nice. The nurses all clapped and waved goodbye. They have all been so amazing and I’m thankful for nurses more than ever. 

An update on my treatment plan. We met with Dr Low on Wednesday. He said the plan is to have a scan in 2 weeks to check the progress. (Hopefully there is some!) if there is some progress (meaning the tumors are remaining stable…or better yet shrinking and also not spreading) then we will take a 3 month break from IV chemo and rescan again. If however they have spread or are growing then I will start oral chemo in the near future. Which I have heard has much less side effects and my hair will maybe start growing back. He said my body needs a rest from IV chemo and he wants me to have some quality of life. I imagine it’s just going to be this balancing act from now on. Scan every 3 months and decide if it’s time to treat again…or if things are stable go a little longer and scan again. Sounds daunting, but I’m ok with it. Whatever it takes to stay here and live and love as long as possible. 

However, we are not ruling our miracles! And we are still praying for one. We know they come in all different forms and we feel we have noticed many small miracles along the way. One of which is that I have felt pretty darn good, save a few days after each round. So grateful for that. 

In-between these last 2 rounds I have found myself at events, parties, whatever…being caught up in a moment of joy and thinking to myself  “I’m so glad to be here right at this moment” soaking it up. Funny how your perspective changes sometimes and you’re more grateful for the small things. I’ve felt it at Sunday family dinners, at a dear friend’s wedding while the kids all danced, watching Ike in his spring musical, watching Gabe play soccer and watching Ruby dance on the stage. I’ve felt it in simple moments like Gracie showing Brandon a million funny tik toks and them laughing. 

We received the most beautiful gift from one of our dear soccer families. I will treasure this water color forever. I cannot believe how the artist portrayed such a likeness to each of us. I just love it.

Brandon has always talked so fondly of his extended family in Richfield, UT. I remember how loving and accepting they were when I first met them. They just welcome you right into the family whether you’re blood or not. I love it when we get to catch up with them! One day early in my diagnosis I received a box from Cousin Laurie and her family. I carefully opened it up to find this very sweet green quilt made by her. (Such talent) She said she was making it when she heard about my diagnosis and knew it was supposed to be for me. Now that the weather is finally warmer this quilt is perfect to keep me warm (but not too warm ya know?) Thank you Burrows family. We love you!

I’ll say it again. People are so good. With every kind gift, note, text, whatever,  I feel God’s love for me through those around me. 

Brandon had meetings today, so I recruited 2 chemo buddies to take me and help pass the time. We laughed (of course) and chatted and then went to “Su Casa” for lunch after because you know…Cinco de Mayo! Such fond memories of going there as high school friends. I swear it tastes just the same as it did back then. These girls have been some of my besties since 4th grade. Thanks Meggie and Mari! Love you.

 Thank you for your continued prayers. We feel them and we are so thankful. I have had some of you take me up on praying for you! And it has meant so much for me to return the favor. Please tell us if we can add you to our prayer list.

Hugs to all❤️


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