Short update…You take the good, you take the bad!

Hi all! Short update. I had the PET scan yesterday and just got done meeting with Dr. Low. I guess I shouldn’t say it’s good news and bad news…because it’s really not bad in our opinion:) it’s more “inconclusive news” 

The good news is that the tumors/cancer has not spread any further.  Hooray! 

The “kind of bad news inconclusive news” is that the tumors and spots are not getting smaller. And some have had minuscule growth since my first scan and before I started chemo.

Basically it’s inconclusive as to whether it’s working or not and he says we need to do at least 2 more rounds then scan again and compare and possibly do 2 more rounds after that if it has in fact worked and I’m tolerating it ok. 

An explanation: my first PET scan was on January 19. Because of stupid insurance hoop jumping I did not start chemo until February 22…over a month later. He said that during that time he would have expected it to continue growing, so his thought is that they grew larger and now with chemo they are shrinking them back down. There is no way of knowing for sure and that’s super frustrating. But we are grateful the appt wasn’t full of bad news;) 

We will continue on…next round of chemo starts next Wednesday.

I’m so appreciative of your prayers, and thoughts and many kindnesses. I would love to add you to my prayer list! It’s what’s carried us through. 


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