Round 3 ✅(check)

Round 3 has come and gone and was quite uneventful…so far. Feeling the fatigue tonight, but am praying that like the last 2 rounds it will subside over the next couple of days. 

I’m starting to get to know the nurses pretty well at the Infusion center. Which ones place my IV’s best, which ones are good for a pep talk, which ones are especially kind and caring. I love them all. They are good at what they do💗 thank a nurse today;) 

So glad we are getting some “spring like” weather here in Utah. It’s good for my spirits! And I’m thankful for the things I’ve had to look forward to this spring for sure…which is watching my kids do what they love. So far I have been able to be present at most games and dance competitions.  Gabe, thanks for playing soccer and Ruby thanks for lighting up that stage! Your mama needed something to look foreword to.

My mom took me to chemo on Wednesday (she’s such a trooper! Thanks ma!) Brandon on Thursday and today Brandon and Gracie both took me. It’s always more fun when Gracie is around.

Story time: hands down one of my most favorite high school teachers was Mr. Ron Crossman who taught chemistry at Bingham High. I had a great friend in that class (Hi Zach!) and his daughter was also in our class! Some of the best days were when we could sidetrack him enough to take a break from chemistry and bring his guitar out and serenade us. I especially loved the Simon and Garfunkel songs, in particular “I am a Rock”…

his voice was like butter. A few years back I became reacquainted with his daughter. Recently she posted a video of her and her and her dad singing together. I told her how I’d love to hear him sing the rock song again! Much to my surprise….I received a text message from Mr. Crossman tonight! He said something about how he heard that I wanted to hear a song about a rock…and then he proceeded to sing a song about a different rock…the Savior. It was so beautiful and brought me to tears. I needed that pick me up tonight. It’s one of my favorites. The chorus says:

“Oh Lord my Redeemer, though has done so much for me, oh Lord, my Redeemer all my love I give to thee”

So thankful for a Savior who has felt everything I have ever felt and everything you have ever felt…and because of that he knows how to help us in the best way possible.

Thank you Mr. Crossman for singing to me tonight. Your voice is still like butter! 

Hugs everyone and happy weekend! 


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