
Showing posts from March, 2025

The hits keep coming and a new plan…

How is it even possible that last Monday night I was eating possibly one of the best steaks of my life at Ruth’s Chris with Brandon for our 30th anniversary? And 2 days later I was in the ER where scans showed that my esophagus had closed off due to tumors pressing on it making it so I couldn’t swallow anything anymore 🙁I was so hopeful that they could put a stent in there to open it back up, but found out that is not a very promising option and has problems that come with it. I was admitted for a few days so they could figure out what to do with me. At that point I was so sad because 1. I realized the immunotherapy that we fought so hard for and was going to be the miracle most likely wasn’t working due to the growth around the esophagus. And 2. I’m really grieving the fact that I may never eat or drink by mouth again. That’s a huge loss for someone that likes food!  I had an NJ tube placed down my nose while in the hospital for nourishment. I was so hungry and growing weaker bec...