
Showing posts from January, 2025

A Rough Patch

I’ve had a bit of a rough patch the last 1.5 months or so. I really don’t like it. I just want to feel good. A lot has happened. I’ll try to make it short! December 26 went in for bronchoscopy to put a stent in my airway as I was having trouble breathing and a scan showed tumors pressing on the area as well as tumors inside the airway. The doctor said my airway was about as wide a a coffee straw. That would explain why I was having breathing problems! I felt like I could breathe much better immediately after surgery and could clear the gunk stuck in there.  Had my first immunotherapy on December 31. Pretty uneventful, but I was so so thankful that I could get it started! I will have it every 3 weeks. I was still really struggling to feel better from the bronchoscopy, my cough was getting worse, breathing was harder again. They sent me for a chest X-ray and from there to the ER. They said it looked like I had fluid around the lungs and needed more checking. More tests in the ER and ...