A Christmas Miracle!

On November 1, we were told I would be starting Immunotherapy very soon to continue fighting these stupid tumors. Just needed to get the insurance to approve and we’d be good to go. Easier said than done! Our insurance didn’t play nicely (at first) they sent the 2nd denial letter to Dr Low just before Thanksgiving and it said “Final Notice” he was very frustrated, just as we were. He normally has a chance with insurance companies to talk to a peer to plead his case. But they didn’t even offer that. They just said “FDA does not approve this treatment for that type of cancer” the trouble is that there aren’t many studies done for my type of cancer and probably never will be because it’s so rare. So what are we to do? We’ve been so upset over it for weeks now trying to figure out what to do. Once we found out they denied it, we applied to the drug company to see if they would provide it compassionately. We’ve been waiting and waiting on that and they keep saying “it’s still un...