Radiation ✅ and what’s next…

1 week ago this morning I finished 25 rounds of radiation. It was not bad at all. And for that I am grateful. I didn’t have any major side effects…yay! I’m so glad to not be driving to the hospital every morning anymore though, that’s for sure! I tell you, the radiation team and staff at the IMC radiation oncology office are fabulous. The kindest people. Everyday they would turn up my music and get me a warm blanket❤️on the last day Brandon and Gracie came with me to see me “bang the gong” to signify I was done with that round. Fighting cancer is such a long road. I’m glad they let us bang the gong or ring the bell after a treatment plan is done! It’s not just for those that have been deemed cancer free anymore. We celebrate the small accomplishments too. I got to bring my mask home and it is currently sitting on my mantle! But I think I’ll move it. It’s just a stark reminder of my reality and sometimes I just want to forget about it all. I will have a scan of my spinal cord in a ...