
Today is my 49th bday. I’m thankful for the year I’ve had and all the living I could experience. I’m thinking of and missing my mom extra today and so grateful that she brought me into this world. Love you mama 💕It’s a beautiful life….and also kind of sucky sometimes. Things with my health have felt like a rollercoaster lately. My last post talked about when I rang the bell to mark my last radiation treatment. After a short break, I started oral chemo again and got 1 round in (each round lasts for 2 weeks then I take a 2 week break, then go again.) over Memorial Day weekend we had a trip planned to Alabama and Georgia to visit Brandon’s parents who are on a church mission there. Prior to leaving I noticed I was getting many more bruises than normal. (Since I’m on blood thinner, I bruise easy…but these were next level…dark, all over my legs and arms) my doc wasn’t concerned when I called about it. We chalked it up to the warmer weather and me being more active in the yard. We went on o...