An update on my journey and Merry Christmas!

Hello friends! I’ve been out of the hospital for just over 2 weeks now. It’s so good to be home! I’m feeling so much better. Not quite back to normal, but close. I’ve been so thankful to be able to Christmas shop and do some “normal” things. A few weeks ago it felt like I would never feel normal again. The human body is amazing isn’t it? How it heals and gets back to “normal” or whatever normal means for me now with my situation. Today we met with Dr. Low to discuss the “new” plan moving forward. The amazing Brandon always records the appointments so we can go back and listen if we can’t remember what he said. He transcribed part of our appointment today that I wanted to share. It explains what went so horribly wrong and landed me in the hospital for 12 days. It also explains the specialized blood test they did to check on the enzyme involved. He also said this happens in about 1% of people. I guess I’m just lucky that way! Quoting Dr. Low: “You got a super-normal dos...